September 7, 2024

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Owning or running a business is never easy.

With a job to do, teams to manage, and targets to meet, there really is so much to think about on an everyday basis.

This can be rewarding, as it’s great to see all that hard work finally pay off when it comes to the success of the business.

It doesn’t change how challenging it can be though, and among all the things to consider, the safety risks of owning a business, are certainly up there.

Here are just a few of the safety risks that businesses must deal with.

1. Information leaks


risks-businesses-must-manage-information-leaksFrom the biggest businesses to the smallest, if you have information that shouldn’t be public, there is always a risk that it will be leaked.

When people think about information leaking, it’s natural to think of big companies being hacked into, with private information being published for the world to see. For this reason, if you own a medium-sized business, you might not think it’s a concern you have to think about.

However, an information leak can be as simple as customers or clients being able to see things they shouldn’t when visiting your place of business. Properly locking away sensitive information and making sure that anything that needs to be destroyed, is taken care of, is normally all you need to do.

2. High staff turnover


risks-businesses-must-manage-high-staff-turnoverOne of the biggest sources of leaked information is from the previous staff. If your business has a high staff turnover, you are even more at risk of this happening.

Whether things end badly with a particular staff member, or they just don’t have the right intentions, sometimes they will share information that they shouldn’t. Throw in the element of social media, and this can be made even worse.

There is no clear-cut way to avoid this, as you want your staff to have access to the information they need, and likely can’t predict when they are going to move on. However, implementing good habits, like changing passwords often, and making sure people who are leaving know what they can and can’t talk about, is vital.

Though it may not be completely avoidable, you can certainly reduce the risk.

3. Vandalism


risks-businesses-must-manage-vandalismDid you know that, in many cases, properties like office spaces are at a higher risk of vandalism than the average home? This is because they are usually vacant at night and often situated in built-up areas.

Thankfully, there are ways in which you can reduce the risk of this happening. Having something like a security camera, or an anti-loitering alarm, put in place, can really make a difference when it comes to preventing this type of crime.

A device like a mosquito speaker wards off loiterers in a passive way and therefore keeps the space around your workplace, clear from the wrong type of people.

Although it doesn’t make sense to sensible people, sometimes individuals break-in or damage properties for no particular reason. This sort of anti-social behavior boils down to crimes of opportunity, where someone will see that a property is vacant and take the chance to do something they shouldn’t, on the spur of the moment.

Having all the security features in place, will still not take the level of risk to zero in this case, which is why something like insurance, is so important. Being covered can really make a difference should anything happen and can save a business from bankruptcy.

4. Hacking


risks-businesses-must-manage-hacking-of-their-systemIt’s hard to imagine someone not using some form of the internet these days. This is even more difficult to imagine when it comes to businesses. Even businesses that don’t technically need the internet, will likely still have it in place.

This is completely normal – the internet is a great asset in one’s professional and personal life. It does come with its own risks though, and the more it’s integrated into your business, the higher these become.

Being hacked is scary for anyone, but it’s arguably worse if your business is suffering as a result. Businesses deal with a lot of money and have much of their important information kept online. This means that the right hacker can really inflict financial damage if they want to.

Making sure that you have the right digital tools and protection, and that all your staff is trained in the proper procedures when using the internet, is the best place to start, in order to reduce this risk. Though it might never happen to you, it’s better to be safe than sorry in this case.

There are a lot of risks that come with running or owning a business. This doesn’t mean that it’s not worthwhile to have one, but it’s certainly something to consider when stepping into this domain. Understanding the security risks you’re facing, is the first step to tackling them.